Member of Inter Denominational Christian Church (Lic. No. 11-7532-00) 

+974 77725978


                                EPA Sunday School Teachers, April 2018

Standing(L to R): Biji John, Clement K, Blesson John, Emy Saji, Pheba Biji, Alice Satheesh, Jaisa John, Beena Mathew.

Sitting(L to R): Pr. Baiju Sam, Pr. Koshy, Br. John George

Testimony of Ex-Student of Sunday School- Betty Mathew

Former Headmasters

Pr. P.D Yohannan


Br. Monsi George


Evg. M.C Varghese         (2007-2013)                               

Our Sunday School..OVER THE YEARS....

EPA Sunday school teachers and students, October 2013

"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." - Prov 22:5

Robert Raikes born in the year 1735 at Gloucester, England is known as the father of the Sunday school Movement. In his time many children of the poor families worked in factories during week days and did not get the chance for schooling and hence had no education. On Sundays, the only day off, they spent their times screaming, fighting and idling away through the streets of the city. Seeing hundreds of such children, Raikes had compassion on them and thought to himself, ' if we could only teach these children'. In the year 1780, with the help of Revered Thomas Stock he hired few women to teach the children to read and write and decided that the curriculum would be the word of God. Initially, he persuaded a few children to go with him to the church and later to the school. As Raikes was the publisher of "Gloucester Journal", he could spread his ideas to others and very soon almost every church had its own Sunday school. Later in 1784, John Wesley recorded in his journal that Sunday Schools were 'springing up' everywhere.

Children of today will be leaders of tomorrow. Young children begin their faith journey with an introduction to the bible. the Sunday School had the responsibility of nurture and treasure each child as gift from God. The gospel should be taught to them in ways that they could receive and respond the future of the church depends upon the spiritual and social standard of the posterity hence Sunday school has an important role in moulding the character of the children.

EPA 'Sunday School' was started a few years after the inception of the church under the guidance of Br. Simon and Br. P.D Yohannan with a handful of children. Later on, Br. P.D Yohannan resigned his job and went to India for full time ministry and the Sunday school had to be discontinued until it was restarted under the leadership of Br. Monsi George in the year 2003. It was held every Friday morning before the worship service from 8-9 am. After Br. Monsi George, Evg. M.C Varghese served as the headmaster for almost a decade. The students of Pentecostal Maranatha Gospel(PMG) are also part of the same. After relocating to the IDCC Religious Complex, Abu Hamour, 'Sunday School' is held every Friday afternoon via zoom platform from 3.30pm-5.00pm. Currently Br. Biji John is the headmaster.

It gives us immense joy that some of the students who studied in the first batch of Sunday school went for their higher studies abroad, returned back and now serve as teachers. Almost all the grown up children are baptized and filled with the holy Spirit. Many of our former students have settled abroad. One of them, Betty Mathew is a missionary doctor in Canada. Above all we are happy to hear that most of them are actively involved in the churches they attend and also teach in the Sunday schools.

What started as a handful of students during the beginning has now grown to 60 students with 10 full time and 4 part time teachers. The Sunday school is divided into 10 classes and the curriculum followed is from 'Children's educational and charitable institution'(CECI). The students are evaluated on what they have learnt throughout the year with exams taking place every year during the month of April. Course completion certificates are given during the Anniversary program held following the examinations. EPA Sunday School Students' actively participate in the ICPF camps and Vacation Bible School (VBS) held every year and are also involved as student leaders. It is also delighting to know that many of these students leaders have gone for their higher studies and started prayer groups in their respective colleges. Our children also won prizes in various competitions like elocution, Bible Quiz, Song, Instrument music etc held by ICPF-CGPF Doha Chapter.

Last year in October 2018, God enabled some of our teachers and ex-students to organize a VBS for more than 300 village children in Khanouri, Punjab. It was indeed a blessing to see many children dedicating their lives for God and introducing the gospel to their parents.

With God's help and guidance over these years, we as teachers and parents could train and bring up our children in the right path for them to become a living testimony. We give all honour and glory to our HEAVENLY FATHER who enabled us to thrive over the years.

"O Lord, your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path."

Yours in Christ

Br. Biji P John


EPA Sunday School Teens group winning 2nd prize for group song for the ICPF Talent Test 2017

Evg. John George


 EPA-PMG Sunday School Teachers and Students, November 2022