Member of Inter Denominational Christian Church (Lic. No. 11-7532-00) 

+974 77725978



Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the LORD has helped us." 1 Sam 7:12

Ebenezer Pentecostal Assembly (E.P.A) had its humble beginnings in the year 1996 at Fereej Bin Abdul- Aziz in a small rented villa with only a handful of believers who desired to worship God adhering to the pentecostal teachings without being affiliated to any mainstream pentecostal churches. With time, God started adding people to this small congregation resulting in the overall growth of the church. Since the establishment of EPA was God’s plan, Holy Spirit worked in a special way and started to multiply the members within a short period.

The church was functioning in this area till the Qatar government provided a worship place for all Christians in the year 2009 and among other churches, EPA also shifted to its allocated hall (Building No. 2, Hall No. 6, Pentecostal Churches, IDCC Complex). The new church hall was inaugurated by Pr. K. K Cherian, Ranni. 

E.P.A Church continues to be an independent pentecostal church catering to the spiritual needs of its members. The worship services are predominantly in Malayalam.

EPA Hall Inauguration 2009

                Part 3                                                                                                   

                Part 1                                                                                                     Part 2

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