The EPA Online Bible Quiz was started in the year 2016 aimed at the continuous and systematic reading of Bible under the leadership of Br. Lijo Mathew who served as the youth secretary at that time. Pr. Baiju Sam serves as the Quiz master. There are 12 quizzes per season organized online every month and the names of winner(s) are posted in the EPA whatsapp and facebook groups. At the end of 12 quizzes, prizes for Ultimate Winners are given. Season 1 is over.
General Terms & Conditions
1. The Quiz is only for the members of Ebenezer Pentecostal Assembly Church Doha, Qatar.
2. The deadline for submitting the answers online will be intimated beforehand.
3. Only one attempt is allowed. Participants attempting more than once will have only their first attempt evaluated.
4. The answers submitted after the deadline will not be considered for valuation.
5. The answers of each Quiz will be uploaded in the website the day after the deadline.
6. The names of monthly winners will be posted in the website as well as the church groups.
7. At the end of 12 quizzes, the Ultimate winner(s) will be awarded with a gift and a trophy.
8. Ultimate winners are selected from the top scorers of the season. In case of a tie, another round of quiz will be organized to determine the same.
7. The decisions taken by the EPA BQ panel board will be final.
8. You can send your valuable suggestions to
9. Your whole hearted co –operation and earnest prayers are requested for the smooth functioning and success of EPA Online Bible Quiz program.
Winners - Season 1
Daisy James
Ultimate Winner
Stoys Saju
Lot Winner